bank structure

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internal committees

audit committee

discuss internal audit review results, proposals and recommendations with the Supervisory and Management Boards

ensure timely and complement provision of all relevant information on banking activities and documentation to organize collaboration with the external auditor

offer proposals to improve relevant internal control mechanisms in terms of administrative, operational, accounting policies and bank procedures

offer recommendations to the Supervisory Board on the appointment, dismissal, and replacement of the head of the internal audit department

introduce the following data and reports to the general meeting of shareholders within the period determined by the general meeting:

  • report on compliance with the law within the bank
  • audit report
  • report on risk management and control systems in the bank
  •  report on other matters related to the committee’s responsibilities


information technologies committee

define technical parameters of the purchased IT equipment;

draw up budget reports on equipment, software, personnel and other items;

in accordance with the information technology standards of the Central Bank:

  • act as an observer and consultant while creating IT projects
  • prepare IT plans to use and implement information technologies, identify important aspects based on the overall strategy of the Bank
  • advise the Management and Supervisory Boards on IT-related capital expenditures
  • justify purchases of software and equipment, provide proposals to purchase software and equipment
  • control over security issues, control administrative and technological issues
  • plan how to handle IT emergencies


credit committee (main and SME)

control credit concentrations

define terms and interest rates on loans and credit obligations

regularly monitor the loan portfolio

ensure regular revaluation of collaterals

study and analyze reserve adequacy, built to cover possible loan losses

review loan applications at least once a month

offers suggestions and comments on suspending and liquidating overdue interest rates, control classification of assets


asset and liability management committee

organize, assess and analyze asset and liability management in various fields

make proposals to implement and improve internal assessment mechanisms within the bank

comply with rules adopted on bank liquidity management and fulfil duties in this field

define goals and directions of financial management

ensure compliance with legislation on asset and liability management

make proposals on revaluation of fixed assets in accordance with market prices and their preservation as a financial component in the current year


risk management committee

develop risk management rules, risk policy of the bank

define suitable methods and tools to identify and assess risks and their frequency

control implementation of bank’s activities within risk limits, approved by the Supervisory Board

review regularly following areas:

  • general banking strategy
  • risk endurance of the bank and various risk limits
  • credit limits
  • operational risks
  • risk policy
  • stress tests